Brukermodus Font Driver Host (fontdrvhost.exe)

Har noen gang funnet at datamaskinen din har stoppet opp? Et kikk inn i Oppgavebehandling kan vise “Brukermodus Font Driver Host” (fontdrvhost.exe) spiser opp alle ressursene. Det er en vanlig hodepine for Windows-brukere, bremser ting og roter med arbeidsflyten din.

Men ikke mist håpet ennå. Let’s unpack this problem and find ways to get your system running smoothly again.

What is Usermode Font Driver Host?

Fontdrvhost.exe is a genuine Windows system process that handles font management and rendering in user mode. It’s there to make sure the fonts in different applications look just right. Vanligvis, it works quietly in the background, but sometimes it starts to use up too much memory and CPU.

Why does fontdrvhost.exe gobble up so many resources?

There are a few reasons why this might happen:

  • Corrupted or old font cache: Windows keeps a font cache for quicker access. If it’s messed up or outdated, fontdrvhost.exe might overwork, leading to higher resource use.
  • Problematic fonts: Some fonts, especially those from dodgy sources, might not be well-made or compatible with your system. This can make fontdrvhost.exe work harder.
  • Software clashes: Some software, especially those that are heavy on graphics, might clash with fontdrvhost.exe, causing it to use more resources.
  • System issues: Things like malware infections or damaged system files can also make fontdrvhost.exe act up.

How can you fix high memory and CPU usage by fontdrvhost.exe?

Try these solutions:

1. Clear the font cache

  1. Open the Start menu and typeservices.msc.
  2. Find and stop theWindows Font Cache Service.
  3. Delete everything in the C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\FontCache mappe.
  4. Restart theWindows Font Cache Service“.

2. Remove troublesome fonts

  1. Open the Control Panel and go toFonts.
  2. Check your installed fonts and remove any added recently or suspicious ones.
  3. Restart your computer.

3. Update software and drivers

  1. Make sure your operating system and graphics drivers are up to date.
  2. Update any software that might be conflicting with fontdrvhost.exe.

4. Scan for malware

Run a thorough scan with Loaris Trojan Remover to find and remove any threats. Begin by downloading the Trojan Remover:

Når den er lastet ned, følg installasjonsinstruksjonene for å installere Loaris Trojan Remover på systemet ditt.

Start Loaris Trojan Remover og velg alternativet for å utføre en full systemskanning. Denne omfattende skanningen vil sjekke alle filene, programmer, og systeminnstillinger for eventuelle tegn på Trojan.Malware.300983.Susgen og annen skadelig programvare. Varigheten av skanningen vil avhenge av størrelsen på harddisken og mengden data som er lagret på datamaskinen.

Trojan Remover hovedskjerm
Trojan Remover Hovedskjerm

Når skanningen er fullført, Loaris Trojan Remover vil vise en liste over oppdagede trusler. Se nøye gjennom disse resultatene for å identifisere forekomster av Trojan.Malware.300983.Susgen, samt annen potensielt skadelig programvare som kan ha blitt installert på systemet ditt.

Loaris scan
Skanning pågår

Med truslene identifisert, du kan nå instruere Loaris Trojan Remover til å rense systemet. Programvaren vil tilby alternativer for å fjerne eller sette den oppdagede skadelige programvaren i karantene. For maksimal sikkerhet, det er tilrådelig å fjerne truslene. derimot, hvis du er usikker på en bestemt fil, midlertidig karantene lar deg isolere filen trygt uten å slette den permanent.

5. System File Check (SFC)

Open Command Prompt as an administrator, type sfc /scannow, og trykk Enter. This will check and fix any corrupted system files.

6. Monitor resource usage

Keep an eye on fontdrvhost.exe’s resource usage after trying these solutions. If the issue continues, you might need to get help from a computer technician or contact Microsoft support.

A cautionary note

While fontdrvhost.exe is a legit process, malware can sometimes masquerade under the same name. If you still see high resource usage by fontdrvhost.exe after trying these solutions, make sure to run a thorough anti-malware scan to rule out any malicious activity.

By following these tips and keeping up with regular maintenance, you can keep your system running smoothly and prevent fontdrvhost.exe from taking over your resources. Remember, a healthy system requires vigilance and regular upkeep.

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