Grædende virus (.Filen er droppet) Ransomware
The Waqa virus belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware family and targets Windows PCs. Waqa can encrypt your files and change original names to files with … Læs mere
The Waqa virus belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware family and targets Windows PCs. Waqa can encrypt your files and change original names to files with … Læs mere
Nysgerrig om Bloom App og hvordan man slipper af med den? Du er på det rigtige sted! Her, you’ll find everything you need to know about … Læs mere
Microsoft Patches Zero-Day sårbarhed Microsoft har rettet 60 sikkerhedsfejl i sin seneste patch-udgivelse, herunder en aktivt udnyttet zero-day sårbarhed i Windows. Dette kritiske … Læs mere
Vepi-virussen tilhører STOP/Djvu ransomware-gruppen og er rettet mod Windows-computere. Det virker ved at kryptere filerne på disse computere, changing them into … Læs mere
Vehu-virussen: Targeting Windows Computers with STOP/Djvu Ransomware The Vehu virus is a part of the STOP/Djvu ransomware family targets of Windows PC. Its … Læs mere
The Veza virus belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware group and targets Windows computers. Det virker ved at kryptere filerne på disse computere, changing them into … Læs mere
The Qeza virus belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware group and targets Windows computers. Det virker ved at kryptere filerne på disse computere, changing them into … Læs mere
Trojan:O97M/Madeba!pz is a type of malicious software, commonly known as a Trojan, that targets Microsoft Office documents. Helt konkret, it affects files created with older versions … Læs mere
The Qepi virus belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware group and targets Windows computers. Det virker ved at kryptere filerne på disse computere, changing them into … Læs mere
The Qehu Virus: Targeting Windows Computers with STOP/Djvu Ransomware The Qehu virus, part of the STOP/Djvu ransomware group, specifically targets Windows computers. Its operation involves … Læs mere
The Baaa virus belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware group and targets Windows computers. Det virker ved at kryptere filerne på disse computere, changing them into … Læs mere