阿爾魯斯蒂克服務 - 如何解決 CPU 使用率過高的問題

Alrustiq 服務病毒

Some viruses are more dangerous than others, and the Alrustiq Service is one of the worst. Although it’s commonly calledAlrustiq,” it’s actually a CoinMiner virus. This malicious software secretly uses your device to mine cryptocurrency, pretending to be a legitimate program. If your Windows starts running slow, the Alrustiq Service could be the reason….


HELD勒索軟體 (病毒) – 免費說明

Held 勒索軟體概述 Held 勒索軟體是一種有害軟體,它透過加密來鎖定您的重要文件, 使其無法存取它們. 它在後台默默運行, 透過木馬或其他惡意軟體等試圖竊取用戶資料的方法進行傳播. 這使得在它感染您之前很難注意到…
