전문가들이 위험한 정보 절도범 대열에 합류한 또 다른 악성 코드를 발견했습니다.. 프린트 스틸러로 명명됨, the malware provides operators with rich functionality, including a keylogger and clipboard monitoring.
Prynt Stealer is capable of attacking a wide range of popular browsers, instant messengers, and gaming applications. 또한, the malware does an excellent job of compromising financial information.
The authors of Prynt Stealer give their child a subscription: $100 달마다, $200 per quarter, 그리고 $700 per year. You can also purchase a lifetime license for $900.
게다가, buyers are provided with a separate malware builder with which they can create custom malware that can bypass detection on the victim’s device.

Cyble analysts studied the new cyberthreat, noting that when developing Prynt Stealer, the priority of the authors was given to the secrecy of the program. 예를 들어, binary obfuscation and Rijndael encrypted strings can testify to this.
또한, all command and control servers (C2) of the attackers are encrypted using AES256, and the AppData directory, which is used to temporarily store stolen data, is hidden along with subfolders.
Having penetrated the victim’s device, the info-stealer starts scanning all disks, trying to find documents, database files, source codes, and images there, the size of which does not exceed 5 KB. 이후, the malware is mistaken for autofill, credentials, bank cards, search history, and cookies stored in browsers.
다음, Prynt Stealer goes through messengers like Discord, Pidgin, and Telegram, and also tries to pull out Discord tokens. Save files in video games and gamer account information on Ubisoft Uplay, Steam, and Minecraft systems are also of interest to the malware. Infostealer is also capable of stealing information from FileZilla, OpenVPN, NordVPN, and ProtonVPN.